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Vanilla Wow Mac

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Nov 29, 2019. We are a vanilla World of Warcraft project, striving to be as Blizzlike as possible. This means that your game play experience should be as close to 2004-2006 as we can possibly make it. As such, all of our rates are 1x and quests, spells and instances work the way they did back in the day.

  1. Vanilla Wow Wiki
  2. Vanilla Wow Macro
  3. Vanilla Wow Macros
  4. Vanilla Wow Mac Client Torrent

Vanilla Wow Wiki

Welcome to Elysium!

We are a vanilla World of Warcraft project, striving to be as Blizzlike as possible. This means that yourgame play experience should be as close to 2004-2006 as we can possibly make it. As such, all of our ratesare 1x and quests, spells and instances work the way they did back in the day. Please read this thread ifyou are a new player (or an old returning one wanting a refresher) before posting questions or issues.

The aim of this thread is to cover how to get your client up & running, how to register an account foryourself, and how to handle some common issues.Later in the thread, some basic in-game advice will be given as well as directions to more information.

Quick Links:

Installing WoW 1.12.1

You can use any World of Warcraft client to play, as long as it's version 1.12.1.Where you got it from doesn't really matter.You can Google around for one, but we also provide some handy links for you to download it from:

Once the download is complete, you might have just a single file, named or wow.rar.This means that the file is an archive and needs to be extracted first.The best program for that job is 7-Zip.Once you have 7-Zip installed, you can just double-click the or wow.rar file and 7-Zip will open it up.Select 'Extract to' and give a destination folder.


You will only make life difficult for yourself in the future if you do.C:GamesWoW is a good place or something similar.This is because ever after Windows Vista, Windows tries to protect important files, making life difficult for gamers who wish to fiddle with the game files.And you will fiddle with them.

If your download is not an archive, you can just move it from your download directory to wherever you wish to play it from.

The next step is to go into the new wow folder and locate a file called '' - it might only show up as 'realmlist', that's fine.Right-click on it and select 'Open with' and once Windows asks you what program to use, locate Notepad and use that.Remove everything that is in there and copy & paste the following:

  • set realmlist
  • Save and close Notepad.
  • Finally, right-click on the file 'wow.exe' and select 'send to desktop'.This will create a shortcut on your desktop that launches World of Warcraft.You should not use the launcher as that is useless with private servers.
  • Congratulations, your client is ready to go!

Registering an account

You cannot play with just a client. You need an account.Go to our account creation page. Note that you need a valid email address to register.Please don't use a throwaway account, as you need this email to be able to change your password.There is no other option for changing your password!

When choosing your username and password, few things to keep in mind:

  1. Please do not use the same combination that you've used on other private servers.This is the most common reason for accounts being compromised.
  2. Remember that the maximum length of each is 15 characters.
  3. Pick something that is easy to write but difficult to guess.Don't just use 1234 as your password.
  4. Elysium staff will NEVER ask you for your password!
  5. You should not share your account details with anyone else, ever.Installing WoW 1.12.1


Remember that you cannot run WoW from inside an archive, you must extract it properly first.Read above how to do that.

If WoW refuses to start at all, you might need to run it as Administrator.Right-click on the file 'wow.exe', go to properties and in the window that pops up, toggle 'Run as administrator' on.Save, close and try again.

If you get a complete blank screen at launch, but you can hear music, the problem is with your graphics settings.New computers might not have DirectX9 installed and later versions of DirectX miss some functions of that one.Microsoft still offers it as a free download, so get it and install it, see if that fixes your problem.

Vanilla Wow Macro

If you cannot save file after editing it, you probably installed WoW under Program Files.Move it elsewhere and try again.If the problem still persist, right-click on the file, click properties, and toggle 'Read Only' off at the little window that comes up.

Vanilla Wow Mac

If your problem isn't listed here, please check out our Help & Support forum.Search it first, in case someone else has had your exact problem - if not, please make a thread and we will try to help you.

Character creation & Realm selection

Now that you've logged in, you must choose which of our 2 realms to pick from.You can create characters and play on both realms with a single account.

Nighthaven PvP - PvP realm, you can find information about it HERE.

PTR - Public Test Realm:You can test the things you are interested in testing here with 10x increased rates for faster testing.Please note that all characters from this realm will be removed, if you want to level, we suggest you to play on Nighthaven realm for now.

Once you have selected your realm, you can create your character.If you have not played vanilla WoW before, a fair warning is in place: not all races can be all classes.Druids, for example, are only available to Night-Elves (Alliance) and Tauren (Horde).Paladins are only available on Alliance side and Shamans are only available on Horde side.You should check out our class forums for more information.

Please be aware that Elysium does not offer any name, race, class, faction, gender or appearance change services.Make sure you are happy with your choices as you are stuck with them!

One last thing before you enter the world. On the bottom left corner, there is a button for Addons.Click it to open a list of Addons that WoW recognizes.Don't worry if this list is empty - the important thing to do here is to change the amount of memory (RAM) available.You can safely put it up to 256 Mb or even 512 if you have plenty.Remember that the client was made for 2004 and computers had fair bit less memory on them back then.You should not use 0 as it means dynamic memory allocation as this can cause hiccups with the client when it runs out of memory and has to allocate more.

Getting started

You will see a short cutscene that ends with your character in the starting area for your race.Before you do anything else, you should press Esc to bring up the menu.Go to options. Unless you are running WoW on a 10-year old laptop, you can safely maximize all graphics settings.You should also go to Keybinds and change them to suit your playing style.You cannot edit the interface here - you need addons for that.Please refer to our UI, Addon & Macros forum for available options - industrious people are still churning out vanilla addons for us all to use!

That done, you should see an NPC with a yellow exclamation mark over their head.He or she will give you your first quest.The game also offers you helpful hints on the screen as you start, that cover the basics of gameplay.The best way to get started is to do these initial quests and read the tips, getting accustomed to how the game runs.Remember that you can easily die at level 1 - don't fight too many mobs (MObile OBjects) at the same time!

It is usually helpful to group up with other players, especially for kill quests.The credit for kills is shared between all party members, so kill quests are completed quickly.It is considered polite to ask other people first, before sending an invite to their way.Later on, you will come across elite quests and dungeon quests - these are very difficult to solo, so it's better to find a group to do them with.Remember that WoW is a social game!

Don't worry if you die - it will happen!Just run back to your corpse, resurrect yourself and get back to questing.

Vanilla Wow Macros

Hopefully this thread has been useful to you. Enjoy your time on Azeroth!

Greetings Adventurers!

The wait is nearly over, on the 24th of July, Kronos I and Kronos III realms will finally be merged.

The servers will be brought down shortly after the honor and instance reset for the week, which occurs at 6:00 AM server time. We expect the merge to take anywhere between 2 to 6 hours to complete. This allows time for everything to finish correctly.

Countless hours of preparation and planning from the team have gone into this, and we are excited to be able to give some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you have specific questions that have not been answered here, feel free to ask them on Discord.

Character Limits

One of the most frequently asked questions concerns exceeding the limit for allowed characters on an account. Some of our veteran Kronos players are familiar with our character stash system, but for those of you that are not, this uses in-game commands to swap characters between your active account and your stash. There are many different commands that will be useful for you, these include:

  • .character stash

Allows you to list all of the available commands for the stash

  • .character stash list

Shows you the list of characters currently in the character stash

  • .character stash remove

Moves a character from the character stash onto the active account

  • .character stash switch

Allows you to swap characters in and out of storage with just one command instead of two


The next biggest concern is about names – how are character and guild names handled. We have come up with a solution for both characters and guilds.

Character Names


If your problem isn't listed here, please check out our Help & Support forum.Search it first, in case someone else has had your exact problem - if not, please make a thread and we will try to help you.

Character creation & Realm selection

Now that you've logged in, you must choose which of our 2 realms to pick from.You can create characters and play on both realms with a single account.

Nighthaven PvP - PvP realm, you can find information about it HERE.

PTR - Public Test Realm:You can test the things you are interested in testing here with 10x increased rates for faster testing.Please note that all characters from this realm will be removed, if you want to level, we suggest you to play on Nighthaven realm for now.

Once you have selected your realm, you can create your character.If you have not played vanilla WoW before, a fair warning is in place: not all races can be all classes.Druids, for example, are only available to Night-Elves (Alliance) and Tauren (Horde).Paladins are only available on Alliance side and Shamans are only available on Horde side.You should check out our class forums for more information.

Please be aware that Elysium does not offer any name, race, class, faction, gender or appearance change services.Make sure you are happy with your choices as you are stuck with them!

One last thing before you enter the world. On the bottom left corner, there is a button for Addons.Click it to open a list of Addons that WoW recognizes.Don't worry if this list is empty - the important thing to do here is to change the amount of memory (RAM) available.You can safely put it up to 256 Mb or even 512 if you have plenty.Remember that the client was made for 2004 and computers had fair bit less memory on them back then.You should not use 0 as it means dynamic memory allocation as this can cause hiccups with the client when it runs out of memory and has to allocate more.

Getting started

You will see a short cutscene that ends with your character in the starting area for your race.Before you do anything else, you should press Esc to bring up the menu.Go to options. Unless you are running WoW on a 10-year old laptop, you can safely maximize all graphics settings.You should also go to Keybinds and change them to suit your playing style.You cannot edit the interface here - you need addons for that.Please refer to our UI, Addon & Macros forum for available options - industrious people are still churning out vanilla addons for us all to use!

That done, you should see an NPC with a yellow exclamation mark over their head.He or she will give you your first quest.The game also offers you helpful hints on the screen as you start, that cover the basics of gameplay.The best way to get started is to do these initial quests and read the tips, getting accustomed to how the game runs.Remember that you can easily die at level 1 - don't fight too many mobs (MObile OBjects) at the same time!

It is usually helpful to group up with other players, especially for kill quests.The credit for kills is shared between all party members, so kill quests are completed quickly.It is considered polite to ask other people first, before sending an invite to their way.Later on, you will come across elite quests and dungeon quests - these are very difficult to solo, so it's better to find a group to do them with.Remember that WoW is a social game!

Don't worry if you die - it will happen!Just run back to your corpse, resurrect yourself and get back to questing.

Vanilla Wow Macros

Hopefully this thread has been useful to you. Enjoy your time on Azeroth!

Greetings Adventurers!

The wait is nearly over, on the 24th of July, Kronos I and Kronos III realms will finally be merged.

The servers will be brought down shortly after the honor and instance reset for the week, which occurs at 6:00 AM server time. We expect the merge to take anywhere between 2 to 6 hours to complete. This allows time for everything to finish correctly.

Countless hours of preparation and planning from the team have gone into this, and we are excited to be able to give some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you have specific questions that have not been answered here, feel free to ask them on Discord.

Character Limits

One of the most frequently asked questions concerns exceeding the limit for allowed characters on an account. Some of our veteran Kronos players are familiar with our character stash system, but for those of you that are not, this uses in-game commands to swap characters between your active account and your stash. There are many different commands that will be useful for you, these include:

  • .character stash

Allows you to list all of the available commands for the stash

  • .character stash list

Shows you the list of characters currently in the character stash

  • .character stash remove

Moves a character from the character stash onto the active account

  • .character stash switch

Allows you to swap characters in and out of storage with just one command instead of two


The next biggest concern is about names – how are character and guild names handled. We have come up with a solution for both characters and guilds.

Character Names

The way we will handle character names is based on the highest /played time. The character with the highest /played time will keep the name. The character with the lowest /played time will be given a free name change. Upon trying to log into the character they will be forced to enter a new name and will not be able to enter the world until they choose their new name.

Guild Names

Guild names will be decided on the oldest creation date. The guild that has been running for the longest time will keep the name, the newest version of the guild will be renamed to something similar to the original name. The guild master will then have the option to message one of the Senior Game Masters to manually rename the guild to something of their choice.

Character Deletion

We want as few characters to be deleted as possible, which is why we are giving you this opportunity to make sure none of your valuable characters will be deleted. During the process of the merge.

For your character to survive the merge, they must fulfill at least one of the following criteria
– /played time must exceed 60 minutes
– The character must have logged in since 01/01/2019

To avoid any of your characters being deleted, make sure you log into all of your characters. Even logging in for just a second and then logging back out will ensure your character will be safe.

Any characters that have been issued a permanent ban before the 1st January 2019 will also be deleted. This includes any Warden bans and any GM applied bans.

Please note: The deletion of the characters cannot be reverted. Please ensure all characters you wish to keep have been logged in since the 1st January 2019.

Items, Mailbox and Auction House

We believe that auctions will not be affected by the merge. However, we highly recommend that all auctions are canceled manually. This will ensure that absolutely no items are lost.

During the merge. We believe mailboxes will remain untouched. All items in the mailbox from any source will be kept in your mailbox. There should be no issues with this. All mail is assigned to character ID and not the character name. Changing your name will not cause any issue with any mail.

The same will occur for CoDs. Any returns or payment will be sent back to your character regardless of any name changes. It is all bound to character IDs.

Despite the above, we highly recommend emptying your mailbox if it is possible. This would create less room for any error to occur.

Twinstar Account Manager and Player Auctions

Our plans for the Twinstar Auctions are very simple. Before the merge, all auctions will be canceled and any bids will be returned to their respective owner. During the merge, the entire Account Manager will be unavailable. The manager will be accessible once the merge is completed.

Vanilla Wow Mac Client Torrent

The Realm

Realm name will be Kronos. The merged realm will inherit the ruleset from Kronos III. As for the vanity shop, the merged realm will retain the shop from Kronos I – making mounts available to players from Kronos III.

We appreciate your continued support and are extremely excited to see you on the other side of this momentous event. Until then, take care and prepare yourself for the merge.

The Kronos Team

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